Trigger Points: What Are They?
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Trigger Points: What Are They?

Trigger points develop a result of trauma to the muscle usually a strain where the muscle is weakened, overstretched and becomes inflamed. Tiny tears can then occur in the related soft tissue, which is the pain we feel.

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Lifestyle Habits and Herbs For a Restful Night Sleep
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Lifestyle Habits and Herbs For a Restful Night Sleep

Most people have been asked at some point in life, “Are you getting enough sleep?” Though some people sleep consistently well, for others a good night’s sleep may be a distant memory. No matter where you fit on the scale of good sleep, it is important to consider both the quantity and quality of your sleep.

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