Chiropractic Go WYLD Today | Go WYLD Today | 

How WYLD Can Impact Your Life?

Go Higher, Go Further, Go WYLD.

Here at WYLD we approach your Health as a whole and do not compartmentalise each problem. We look at the full picture to see what has caused your issue. Your body may compensate by masking issues with underlying problems. Our approach treats your body as a whole regardless of where the pain might be. We provide long term solutions, to ultimately improve your overall Health.

Some people turn to Chiropractic care due to a sudden onset (acute episode) of pain or because their pain doesn’t seem to be getting better and lasts over three months (chronic pain). When we feel pain, it’s our body’s way of telling you there is something very wrong and the body is out of balance.

Chiropractic is excellent at helping to reduce pain, but more importantly, our Chiropractors help you understand why it was there in the first place and what to do to prevent the pain from reoccurring.

Benefits of Chiropractic



Chronic Pain


Sports Injuries

Quality of Life



Herniated Discs

Shoulder Pain



Extremity Pain

Neck Pain



Back pain


Nerve Issues

Joint Pain

We Cover The 3 P’s



An aligned spine provides the most optimal opportunity for better brain-to-body communication which is extremely important during child development.

Pregnancy back clinic


Studies have shown that Chiropractic, can help decrease pain in pregnancy and labour. Chiropractors can provide safe, effective and drug-free conservative care to relieve pain and improve function during pregnancy and after birth.

Sports chiropractor


If you’re an athlete who is interested in maintaining your physical strength and range of motion, or if you need to recover from an injury without the use of prescriptions and invasive treatments, consider seeing a Chiropractor on a regular basis.

Yes, Chiropractic care will increase mobility and help relieve pain. But to us, the treatment is so much more. Our frontier. It's where we go to heal, and grow, and flourish. It's where we breathe energy into your routine. But most importantly, it's where we start the process of bringing people together with their WYLD side.