Frequently asked questions

What is a Chiropractic adjustment?

Our Doctors of Chiropractic here at WYLD use their hands to make specific adjustments to the Spine and body in order to realign, retrain and restore. The effect of a Chiropractic adjustment is massive on the overall equilibrium of your body, each adjustment can cause a ripple effect within your entire system. Which can over time change the memory of your body, similar to breaking a habit with a regime.

What is a subluxation?

A subluxation is a dysfunction in one of the joints in your spine that causes interference to your nervous system. Since your nervous system controls every cell, tissue and organ in your body, this nerve interference can have a wide range of effects including pain, altered sensation and organ dysfunction.

Will the adjustment hurt? Is it safe?


Typically, if you weren’t in pain prior to the adjustment, you won’t be after. Sometimes you can experience some mild soreness or minor aches after a visit. Chiropractic is generally very safe when performed correctly by a trained and registered Chiropractor.

How long will an adjustment take?

The actual adjustment may only take 5-15 mins, but remember it is not the time the adjustment takes that does the healing. The adjustment will help to remove interference from your nervous system and allow your body to heal. Your body will continue to heal over the next few hours, days and even weeks.

How long do I need to come in for?

How long you choose to benefit from Chiropractic care is always up to you. It really depends on your goals. If you are simply after pain relief, then that may take one visit to a few months worth of visits. If you want to correct the underlying issues and get back to performing at your best, then that may take anywhere from a few months to a few years. And if you want to maintain that level of health, energy and vitality for a lifetime and stop yourself recreating the problem in the future then you may choose an ongoing wellness care plan.

How long until I start to feel better?

Everybody is different. Our recommendation, given to you on your follow up appointment, is based on the success we’ve had with others with similar problems. Since each visit builds on the one before, we suggest that you keep to your given care plan for best results.

What is the popping sounds?

This is caused by small pockets of air, which are in the fluid that surrounds your joints. During a chiropractic adjustment, the pockets of air "pop," which creates that cracking sound you hear.

It has been really positive to have friends and family also notice the difference that this treatment has given me.
— Maressa