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Chiropractic Services

The power to become the best you can be has never been more attainable. During your Journey at WYLD Chiropractic the team will address the fundamental pillars of your overall health and what should be an essential part of your regime. Book your session and start your journey today.


Chiropractors don’t just perform spinal adjustments or treat patients for acute pain. Chiropractic care is for patients of all ages, and it helps with a wide range of health issues.

Chiropractors diagnose and treat conditions affecting the bones, joints, ligaments, and nerves in the body. What does this mean for chiropractic patients?

For some it means relief from back pain and neck pain. For others it means improved range of motion and mobility after accident or an injury. Chiropractic care is used for acute injuries and symptoms, ongoing maintenance care, and it helps promote better overall health and an improved quality of life.

Non-invasive and drug-free

Feel better

Move better

Move more

Live better

Chiropractic care doesn’t start when you enter WYLD and end when you leave. The chiropractors at WYLD in Ponsonby meet with you to determine your needs, learn your health history, and establish a Chiropractic plan that is right for you.

They equip you to make healthy lifestyle changes that promote better overall Health and Wellness. A Chiropractic lifestyle is about being proactive with your health, and making positive choices to prevent health problems before they happen. Chiropractors provide patient education about things like diet, nutrition, and exercise.

Techniques We Cover:

At WYLD Chiropractic, we offer a variety of gentle and effective techniques to find the perfect fit for your comfort level.

Here's a range of techniques we utilize:

  • Diversified: This traditional hands-on approach allows for targeted adjustments.

  • Gonstead and Thompson: These techniques use specific instruments for a more precise and potentially gentler adjustment.

  • Activator (Light Touch): This method employs a handheld tool for a quick, low-force adjustment.

  • NET (Neuro-Energetic Technique): This approach focuses on identifying and addressing imbalances in the nervous system.

  • NSA (NeuroSpinal Analysis): This technique uses computer analysis and specific adjustments to potentially improve nerve function.

  • SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique): This method focuses on balancing the pelvis and spine for overall well-being.

  • Paediatric/Baby and Kids Chiropractic Care: We offer gentle techniques specifically tailored for young patients.

  • Pregnancy/Webster Technique: This approach focuses on supporting a healthy pregnancy by optimizing pelvic alignment.

  • Upper Cervical: This technique focuses on the upper neck vertebrae for potential pain relief.

  • Cranial Therapy: This gentle hands-on approach aims to improve cerebrospinal fluid flow and potentially promote overall well-being.

Don't hesitate to ask! We can discuss your needs and preferences to find the most comfortable and effective technique for you.

Auckland's Best Chiropractic clinic