Trigger Points: What Are They?

What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Trigger Points In Our Body?

Knotted Muscle Fibres?

Trigger points develop as a result of trauma to the muscle usually a strain where the muscle is weakened, overstretched and becomes inflamed. Tiny tears can then occur in the related soft tissue, which is the pain we feel. The healing of these tears happens as tissue contracts which can result in Twists and knots. These affected fibres restrict the blood flow which is need for the healing process.

Why Massage Helps?

The job of a massage is to untwist and de-knot the affected fibres. The physical act of pushing into these fibres and stretching them out, helps to decoil them from their inflamed and protective state. The Knots feel rope-like and hard lumps in the muscle, and to the person they are the tender spots to touch.

What Can You Do To Help It?

Well aside from massage you can do some gentle stretching to the affected area to help increase the flexibility and stretch in the fibres. Stretching, and massage early on, can also help in the prevention of these knots developing in the first place!

Book in with one of the Massage Therapists here at WYLD if you think you need help releasing some trigger points around your body

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