The Benefits Of Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a holistic health care practice that involves the application of pressure to the body's soft tissues. It is a safe and effective way to relieve pain, improve circulation, and reduce stress.
The Twelve Cranial Nerves
The cranial nerves are a set of twelve nerves that originate in the brain. Each has a different function for sense or movement.
The functions of the cranial nerves are sensory, motor, or both. Each nerve has a name that reflects its function and a number according to its location in the brain. Scientists use Roman numerals from I–XII to label the cranial nerves in the brain.
The Benefits Of Massage Therapy
Massage therapy may help boost focus, relieve anxiety, and even improve sleep.
No matter the type, the benefits of massage really come down to one thing: pressure.
How Full Is Your Bath Water?
At WYLD Chiropractic we look at the whole person. This means we want to understand your chemical, physical and emotional load, or what we like to call the Three T’s, Toxins, Trauma and Thoughts.
What’s The Deal With Pain And The Brain?
We all know how painful a paper cut can be, but thanks to your body’s ability to self-heal, before long the cut is gone! Pain is a normal protective signal that is necessary following an injury so we can take action to heal. But what if it’s been more than 3 months and your body is still in pain?
4 Ways To Nourish Your Nervous System
At WYLD Chiropractic we here to help you reconnect with your natural state of health. When you come to us is pain it is often a message from your body that too much stress has been simmering away for a while. This can be physical, chemical or emotional stress.
Poor Posture Causing Your Back Pain?
Poor posture is what we call letting yourself be in an unsupported posture for a length of time. These load your spine in an uneconomical way and ultimately weakens the tissues in your lower back.
Lifestyle And Herbal Support For Anxiety
While anxiety can often feel insurmountable, there are several worry-busting habits you can develop to help minimise its effects. Read on to discover these top five habits that can leave you feeling more calm and in control.
Trigger Points: What Are They?
Trigger points develop a result of trauma to the muscle usually a strain where the muscle is weakened, overstretched and becomes inflamed. Tiny tears can then occur in the related soft tissue, which is the pain we feel.
Natural Resilience Against Colds And Flu
Evading this season’s colds, coughs and flu can feel like an uphill battle through a treacherous warzone. The same can be said of your body during winter, when it must regularly defend against viruses and bacteria.
How To Work Better, And Feel Better
Do you have a desk job? Here’s why you should get up, stretch and change your position regularly.
Why Does Massage Make Us Feel So Good!?
Massage has some surprising psychological benefits which accompany the numerous physical benefits, who would have thought someone pressing into your muscles would feel so good!