Poor Posture Causing Your Back Pain?

Everyone knows that poor posture isn’t good for you, but what is it?

Poor posture is what we call letting yourself be in an unsupported posture for a length of time. These load your spine in an uneconomical way and ultimately weakens the tissues in your lower back.

Some examples of everyday common unsupported postural habits are:

Slouching In A Chair Or On A Couch

Hunching Forward Weeding The Garden Or Doing The Dishes

Lying Or Sitting In Bed While Reading Or On Your Laptop

Standing With Your Weight Shifted Onto One Leg

Standing Or Walking With Your Head Pushed Forward

Lifting Heavy Objects Without Bending Your Knees

You can manage your posture through strengthening the muscles which are inactive, regular Chiropractic treatments, stretch the tight areas and have regular massage to minimise tension buildup.

Speak to one of our friendly team at WYLD to get help with your back pain.

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