Chiropractic and Disc Herniations
WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Anatomy Nina Eghani WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Anatomy Nina Eghani

Chiropractic and Disc Herniations

A disc herniation is when there is a problem with one of the rubbery cushions (discs) that sit between the bones that stack up to form your spine. The disc is made up of a nucleus which is found in the center of the disc and contains a soft jelly-like substance. Surrounding the nucleus is a tough exterior called the annulus that supports the contents of the nucleus. 

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Chiropractic And Pregnancy

Chiropractic And Pregnancy

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective modality for pregnant women. Chiropractors focus on strengthening the nervous system to assist in a better quality of life for mums-to-be and help in the growth and development of your baby.

The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The nerves facilitate the functioning of every single cell, organ and muscle in your body which includes the development of your baby.

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Dowager’s Hump
WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Anatomy Nina Eghani WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Anatomy Nina Eghani

Dowager’s Hump

Dowager’s hump which many people refer to as the hunchback is a bump that can be seen on the base of the neck. It is usually accommodated with a forward head posture. The more forward the head sits, the more stress is placed on the base of the neck which can change the spinal curvatures. This overtime causes the back muscles to weaken causing other muscles to be put under constant strain due to overuse.

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The Relationship Between The Brain And Chiropractic Care
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

The Relationship Between The Brain And Chiropractic Care

When a Chiropractor adjusts your spine they change a part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex. What we know is how the spine moves has a remarkable impact on how the prefrontal cortex functions. This is potentially why many chiropractic benefits can include feeling better, improved sleep, and better overall functioning.

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The Lowdown on Blue Light
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

The Lowdown on Blue Light

At WYLD Chiropractic we are always looking at ways to help you have a more adaptive nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments can be beneficial for reducing the ‘wind-up’ of our nervous system, but it is also important to be looking at ways you can support yourself between visits. 

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Yoga or Pilates?
WYLD Health, WYLD Fitness Nina Eghani WYLD Health, WYLD Fitness Nina Eghani

Yoga or Pilates?

Here at WYLD, we encourage you to be an active participant in your wellness journey. Engaging in activities which promote strength and flexibility in your body can supercharge that journey, creating a life full of purpose, satisfaction, and increased energy for the things you love to do. So, let’s look at these two popular exercise modalities, to see what they can offer you.

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Tennis Elbow
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a painful condition that occurs when tendons in your elbow are overloaded, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. Despite its name, athletes aren't the only people who develop tennis elbow

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Piriformis Syndrome
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is a painful neuromuscular condition in which the piriformis muscle spasms and irritates the surrounding sciatic nerve resulting in pain, numbness and tingling in through the buttock and along the back of the leg and into the foot.

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Standing How You Feel
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Standing How You Feel

The way we stand, sit, and move through our day both reflects and impacts on how we feel. There are 6 basic categories of emotion that are recognised in facial expressions across a wide range of cultures. But we don’t just wear our emotions on our faces, we also express them in the way we hold ourselves, and if we don’t feel good this can have a negative impact on our health over time.

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

When you feel pain it is often due to a Neuromusculoskeletal cause, which is just a fancy way of saying your nerves, muscles or bones, or more commonly all three, are responsible. This pain can be from a sudden injury i.e. acute, an old injury i.e. chronic, a repetitive injury i.e. overuse, or sometimes a variation in your anatomy i.e. congenital.

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Sitting Is The New Smoking
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Sitting Is The New Smoking

With a large number of individuals remotely working from home due to Covid-19 restrictions, a consequence of this is having difficulty separating work life from personal life, especially when both take place in the same area. We unintentionally may spend more hours sitting at a desk which over time can lead to an array of adverse health risks such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, musculoskeletal diseases such as osteoporosis and poor posture

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The Twelve Cranial Nerves
WYLD Health, WYLD Education Nina Eghani WYLD Health, WYLD Education Nina Eghani

The Twelve Cranial Nerves

The cranial nerves are a set of twelve nerves that originate in the brain. Each has a different function for sense or movement.

The functions of the cranial nerves are sensory, motor, or both. Each nerve has a name that reflects its function and a number according to its location in the brain. Scientists use Roman numerals from I–XII to label the cranial nerves in the brain.

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Disc Herniations - What You Should Know
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Disc Herniations - What You Should Know

Spinal discs play a crucial role in the lower back, serving as shock absorbers between the vertebrae, supporting the upper body, and allowing a wide range of movement in all directions.

A herniated disc refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions (discs) that sit between the individual bones (vertebrae) that stack to make your spine.

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Neck Pain - What Causes it?
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Neck Pain - What Causes it?

When you see one of our Chiropractors at WYLD Chiropractic, for neck pain in particular, Chiropractic neck adjustments loosen up the joints of the cervical vertebrae in the neck, and this can reduce pain caused by pinched nerves and muscle spasms. Chiropractors use their hands to adjust the neck and move vertebrae back into alignment.

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