Chiropractic and Disc Herniations
WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Anatomy Nina Eghani WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Anatomy Nina Eghani

Chiropractic and Disc Herniations

A disc herniation is when there is a problem with one of the rubbery cushions (discs) that sit between the bones that stack up to form your spine. The disc is made up of a nucleus which is found in the center of the disc and contains a soft jelly-like substance. Surrounding the nucleus is a tough exterior called the annulus that supports the contents of the nucleus. 

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Chiropractic And Pregnancy

Chiropractic And Pregnancy

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective modality for pregnant women. Chiropractors focus on strengthening the nervous system to assist in a better quality of life for mums-to-be and help in the growth and development of your baby.

The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The nerves facilitate the functioning of every single cell, organ and muscle in your body which includes the development of your baby.

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Dowager’s Hump
WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Anatomy Nina Eghani WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Anatomy Nina Eghani

Dowager’s Hump

Dowager’s hump which many people refer to as the hunchback is a bump that can be seen on the base of the neck. It is usually accommodated with a forward head posture. The more forward the head sits, the more stress is placed on the base of the neck which can change the spinal curvatures. This overtime causes the back muscles to weaken causing other muscles to be put under constant strain due to overuse.

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