Pregnancy and Woman’s Health

Pregnancy incurs a whirlwind of changes within the body. Housing another human means they are directly functioning through the mother’s body. A woman’s uterus is typically the size of an orange, by the third trimester it can be the size of a watermelon. In fact it can expand 500 times during pregnancy. As well as the mothers blood volume increasing by 40-50% to help supply enough oxygenated blood to the foetus. On top of that the heart has to increase in size to help pump all that extra blood around the body. Here is a fun fact; At about 18 weeks a foetus is able to hear sounds, by 25-26 weeks it is more responsive to noises and responds in the womb.

Being pregnant can also cause Carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnant women can experience swelling in their hands due to the build up of fluid in tissues. Sometimes this fluid can collect in the carpel tunnel, causing pressure on nerves, leading to tinging and numbness in the hands and fingers.

Pregnancy back pain typically happens where the pelvis meets your spine, at the sacroiliac joint.

Here are some common causes of back pain during pregnancy:


Posture Changes

Pregnancy shifts your center of gravity. As a result, you may gradually - even without noticing - begin to adjust your posture and the way you move. This may result in back pain or strain.

Pregnancy stress


Stress can be a normal part of pregnancy. But if stress becomes constant, the effects on you and your baby could be lasting. The "fight or flight" mode can be triggered when you are in a stressed state, sending out a burst of cortisol and other stress hormones. These are the same hormones that surge when you are in danger. They prepare you to run by sending a blast of fuel to your muscles and making your heart pump faster.

Pregnancy muscle

Muscle Seperation

As the uterus expands, two parallel sheets of muscles (the rectal abdominis muscles), which run from the rib cage to the pubic bone, may separate along the center seam. This separation may worsen back pain.

Pregnancy hormone changes

Hormone changes

During pregnancy, your body makes a hormone called relaxin that allows ligaments in the pelvic area to relax and the joints to become looser in preparation for the birth process. The same hormone can cause ligaments that support the spine to loosen, leading to instability and pain. During birth the pelvic bone also separates. The pelvis is connected by a narrow section of cartilage and ligament, which can sometimes seperate during childbirth. For some, it may never full fuse back together again.

It is very important to keep your spine and body healthy and make choices to stay well so your body is at it’s best at all times. If your spinal health is not at it’s best before pregnancy or previous issues exist with the alignment of the spine, and there has been a history of low back problems, this can really contribute to extra layers of stress and result in pregnancy aggravating the condition. Pregnancy can cause the spine to become misaligned to the point that it does not simply go back into place once the pregnancy is complete. This can make the tasks that become necessary once the child is born, such as carrying a baby on your front or back, breast-feeding and bending over to lift and pick things up, painfully difficult.

Chiropractic treatment for pregnancy can be an outstanding source of relief for back pain as well .

Many women also comment that the birthing process was easier after having undergone Chiropractic treatments.


Nervous System

The nerves that travel to all other parts of the body have their origin in the spine. When the spine is compressed, these nerves can become irritated causing the pain to radiate to other areas of the body. Sciatica is a condition commonly stimulated by pregnancy, involving pain that radiates from the low back all the way down the legs. Chiropractic treatment can assist in freeing the nervous system of stress and interference, this means that the foetus may have a clearer pathway of communication between the mother and baby.


Treatment for low back pain:

Pain management

Applying Heat and Cold

Applying heat and cold to your back may help. If your health care provider agrees, start by putting cold compresses (such as a bag of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel) on the painful area for up to 20 minutes several times a day. After two or three days, switch to heat - put a heating pad or hot water bottle on the painful area. Be careful not to apply heat to your abdomen during pregnancy.

Pregnancy posture

Improve Your Posture

Slouching strains your spine. So using proper posture when working, sitting, or sleeping is a good move. For example, sleeping on your side with a pillow between the knees will take stress off your back. When sitting at a desk, place a rolled-up towel behind your back for support; rest your feet on a stack of books or stool and sit up straight, with your shoulders back. Wearing a support belt may also help.



Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into your skin at certain locations. Studies have shown that acupuncture can be effective in relieving low back pain during pregnancy. Check with your health care provider if you're interested in trying it.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic practitioners can provide safe and effective personalised care throughout your pregnancy and in the postpartum period. A thorough examination will determine the best treatment to address your discomfort and prepare the body for the height of pregnancy and childbirth. There are specialised adjustment methods to accommodate pregnancy. These treatments may reduce the need for pain medications throughout the delivery as well as help to reduce labor time. Follow up treatments can assist in realigning the body after the pregnancy, speeding the transition to a healthy post-pregnancy body.

If you’re interested in a more comfortable pregnancy or decreased labour time, call or book in online here. Our chiropractic techniques are gentle and effective, and thanks to our pregnancy-specific tables and cushions you can still lie comfortably on your stomach.

We know that women experience on average a 24% reduction in the length of labour time with chiropractic care during pregnancy and that rises to a 33% reduction for those mothers who have given birth before. By altering the biomechanics and neuromuscular control of the pelvis we are likely enabling the muscles to become more relaxed and joints more mobile which probably helps them to expand more freely during labour and settle more easily afterwards.
— Dr Haavik - Director of Research, Author, Neurophysiologist and Chiropractor

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