6 Beauty Benefits Of Massage

A good massage not only heals your muscles, it beautifies the body and soul from head to toe! A smoother complexion, firmer skin and shinier hair does not come only from the beauty aisle… but are in fact a few of the many benefits from massage.

Improved Skin

#1 Improved Skin Tone

Massage improves lymphatic flow and increases blood flow. This leads to smooth, radiant skin. Lymphatic drainage removes the toxins from your body that have built up over time. The increased blood flow brings in rich nutrients and fresh oxygen to not only your muscles, but also your skin and encourages the presence of healing red blood cells. This decreases inflammation whilst nourishing and brightening the skin. Giving you an all-over natural glow. Massage is also exfoliating, as the kneading and stroking gently removes the top layer of dead skin cells, making you skin look and feel better.

Healthy Hair

#2 Healthier Hair

We all know our scalp health determines our hair growth and thickness. A gentle head massage

increases blood flow. This may also reduce dandruff whilst strengthening your hair’s roots. This

allows your hair to grow longer, stronger and shinier over time. Besides, the amazing hair results, a

scalp massage works wonders for headaches and migraines.

Good skin

#3 Firmer Skin

Whilst massage is good for your skin at any age, its benefits are more pronounced after your wonderful 40s. In the young years, our skin tissue is naturally strong and supple, but, like most things, gravity has an impact on it after a while. The skin’s elasticity begins to collapse and become less firm. However, massage can increase the production of collagen (the protein in your skin that is responsible for providing elasticity and strength). A boost in collagen results in firmer and youthful skin.

Poor sleep

#4 Improved Beauty Sleep

We have all experienced that amazing sleep the night after a massage, although some already fall asleep on the massage bed already. This is due to massage being able to boost serotonin (the happy chemical), lower stress hormones (like cortisol) and reduces pain. This concoction makes for a restful and restorative night’s sleep. Regular massage improves sleep quality overall.


#5 That Inner Glow

Yes, your skin and hair may now be smooth, silky and shiny but that’s only on the surface. True beauty is skin deep. When you take the time to treat your body and give it the much-needed healing it deserves, you will not only feel outward beauty but inner beauty too. Massage is a holistic treatment that benefits your mind, body and soul, leaving you feeling relaxed, revitalized, refreshed and more beautiful than ever!

Glowing skin

#6 Boosts Your Immunity

Amidst Covid-19, we are all worrying about our immune system, but did you know that a massage works to improve your immune system? This is again done by the miraculous benefits of creating healthy lymph flow and improving blood circulation.



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