The Pillars of Health and Wellness

In order to grow and flourish it is essential for the 5 pillars of Health which are mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social wellbeing to all be in homeostasis. It is very important for these foundations to be connected and strong in order for us to be able to adapt and take on daily stress and challenges with ease, therefore allowing our wellbeing and energy force to flow.

There is a reason why so many people today are trending towards a more holistic approach as we have realised that there is no quick fix to anything, there is no ‘band aid’ that will cure us, having a strong foundation is essential in order to live a healthier and happier life.

Pillars of health
Mental health

Mental Wellbeing

A healthy mindset is our mental resilience against life’s stress and challenges. It helps us to see our true potential and also see our value. By having good mental health we are able to share our skills and gifts with the world with ease. Striving to be in the moment can really help with mental well-being and health. Learning how to meditate is a good tool to learn how to be more in the present moment.

Physical wellbeing

Physical Wellbeing

Physical wellbeing or physical health relates to a optimal and healthy balanced functioning body. It is not just the absence of disease and pain but more so our bodies’ flexibility, endurance, strength and energy levels. Our ability to sleep, perform, eat, be free from addiction and medication and ability to be resilient against stress is our physical wellness. Avoiding as many toxins as possible through our environment, food, makeup, beauty products and cleaning products also supports a healthier body.

Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional wellbeing often goes hand in hand with our mental well-being. It is having the ability to practice stress-management techniques and to own, accept and express your emotional feelings and needs when required which lead to good feelings. It also contributes to a healthy self-worth, self-esteem, and good emotional well-being. It is an important part of overall health as people who are emotionally healthy are in control of their feelings, thoughts and behaviours, and better able to cope with life’s challenges.

Social wellbeing

Social Wellbeing

Being in equilibrium and connected with the society or world you live supports social belonging and social inclusion which is what makes social wellbeing. This is why feeling apart of a group or tribe can be very supportive in our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Family, friends, community as well as the groups you are apart of such as your culture, religion, place of education or place of work.

Spiritual wellbeing

Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual wellbeing or spiritual Health is being able to experience purpose and meaning in life through a connection to one’s self, or a power greater than oneself. The journey of healing and recovery through strength, inspiration and motivation is known to be the most powerful source of spiritual wellbeing and health. It is very personal and means different things to different people. It can help with tapping into our inner self and connecting to it, which can help with lowering stress and anxiety as well as depression level, as we tend to cultivate more positivity and gratitude.


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