Neck Pain - What Causes it?
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Neck Pain - What Causes it?

When you see one of our Chiropractors at WYLD Chiropractic, for neck pain in particular, Chiropractic neck adjustments loosen up the joints of the cervical vertebrae in the neck, and this can reduce pain caused by pinched nerves and muscle spasms. Chiropractors use their hands to adjust the neck and move vertebrae back into alignment.

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It’s About The Journey And The Destination
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

It’s About The Journey And The Destination

When you see one of our Chiropractors at WYLD Chiropractic, they will spend time helping you understand what will happen at each visit and why. Sometimes we forget that healing takes time. We all want to be at our ideal health destination, but how we get there is just as important as why.

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Sleep Set-up
WYLD Health, WYLD Ergonomics Nina Eghani WYLD Health, WYLD Ergonomics Nina Eghani

Sleep Set-up

At WYLD Chiropractic we often get asked “What is the best sleeping position?” or “What is the best pillow?” Everybody is unique and therefore there is no one size fits all answer, but there are a few things to look out for when assessing your sleeping set-up.

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What’s The Deal With Pain And The Brain?
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

What’s The Deal With Pain And The Brain?

We all know how painful a paper cut can be, but thanks to your body’s ability to self-heal, before long the cut is gone! Pain is a normal protective signal that is necessary following an injury so we can take action to heal. But what if it’s been more than 3 months and your body is still in pain?

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4 Ways To Nourish Your Nervous System
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

4 Ways To Nourish Your Nervous System

At WYLD Chiropractic we here to help you reconnect with your natural state of health. When you come to us is pain it is often a message from your body that too much stress has been simmering away for a while. This can be physical, chemical or emotional stress.

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What is Chiropractic?
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

What is Chiropractic?

A chiropractor is a health care professional focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders, with an emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment and/or manipulation of the spine.

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