Infants And Chiropractic
WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Babies Nina Eghani WYLD Health, WYLD Education, WYLD Babies Nina Eghani

Infants And Chiropractic

Misalignments in Infants come from stressors which can compromise the spine and therefore affect nervous system functioning. Such stressors can include intrauterine constraints during pregnancy and the birthing process. A “safe” and “fast” delivery can still put a lot of stress on the newborn's spine resulting in nerve dysfunction.

Read on for signs of nerve dysfunction.

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Lifestyle Habits and Herbs For a Restful Night Sleep
WYLD Health Nina Eghani WYLD Health Nina Eghani

Lifestyle Habits and Herbs For a Restful Night Sleep

Most people have been asked at some point in life, “Are you getting enough sleep?” Though some people sleep consistently well, for others a good night’s sleep may be a distant memory. No matter where you fit on the scale of good sleep, it is important to consider both the quantity and quality of your sleep.

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