Child Development Milestones
It’s important to remember every child is different and will develop at different speeds. Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system. This is especially important for children as their nerve systems develop. What we now understand with regards to brain development is that the first few years of life are paramount for optimal nerve system growth.
The Effects Of A Hip Misalignment
Your pelvis is the foundation of your spine that helps to stabilize your back and surrounding structures. If your pelvis is out of alignment, or if you have bad posture, this could cause many issues for the spine’s alignment and long-term health. Many times, patients that see a chiropractor here at WYLD for lower back pain are usually experiencing symptoms of a pelvic tilt or misalignment of the pelvis. Once the “foundation” is tilted or rotated, it will cause an unstable balance in the spine, causing discs to shift and compress usually causing back pain.