As the colder seasons roll in, Dr. Nina Eghani, Director of WYLD Chiropractic shares her secrets for a healthy lifestyle and introduces us to services that’ll better equip us in 2024.


Q & A


NEWMARKET: Can you tell us the ethos behind the business and how it came to be what it is today?

NINA: Our ethos at WYLD is to provide an immersive space for our community to slow down and reconnect in mind and body. I’ve worked at lots of clinics around the world and never found a space that really appealed to me on multiple fronts. I wanted to make a space that people could heal in both physically and mentally. My husband, the co-founder, and I really poured our different skills into the business and since then have built a fantastic team full of individuals who share our vision.

NEWMARKET: You use an infrared sauna for this service. What are the benefits from this as opposed to using a traditional sauna?

NINA: Infrared sauna differs to a traditional sauna in one main way. A traditional sauna heats up the air around you which then in turn heats you up. An infrared sauna heats your skin up directly. The benefit of this is you are able to get the physiological effect of heat at lower temperatures and for longer sessions without the same risks of heat stroke or fatigue. It is also great for your skin!

NEWMARKET: In a world that is constantly on the go, what changes can we make to help with stress reduction and relaxation?

NINA: The biggest tool in the modern age for beating, or coping with stress, is perspective. There are many impulses, stimuli and traumas that we all encounter on a daily basis, the problem is most of us are so good at being productive that we don’t recognise the source of our stress - and because it compounds in the background. A lot

of what we do at WYLD, aside from our physical impact, is help our clients and community to identify the root cause of their stress. Once you know you can put in steps to mitigate the stress or hopefully eliminate it completely.

NEWMARKET: If you could suggest one service that you think everyone should be using regularly, what would that be?

NINA: In a nutshell a great start for anyone would be chiropractic therapy, simply because our spines are completely overlooked by the majority of people and only comes into focus once we’re experiencing pain. The wide-ranging benefits of a healthy and well-functioning spine and nervous system can really be life changing.

NEWMARKET: How did you get into the health & wellness sector?

NINA: I grew up with both my parents working in the hospital, so I was always quite inspired by the body and health. When I was at high school, I started getting quite intense pain in my back, and my mum took me to a chiropractor who was a close family friend. After I got adjusted, I felt a sudden release and felt I guess, ‘awake’ which is what inspired me to become a chiropractor myself.

The main thing that appealed to me was helping people with just my hands and not having to use medication. At

the time, I was inspired by the fact that by being a chiropractor, you can help people in any part of the world. All that was needed was my skill and a table.

NEWMARKET: One of your main services are your Hot + Cold therapy suites. Can you explain what this offering is?

NINA: Our Hot + Cold therapy sessions utilize

contrast therapy - essentially subjecting your body to heat followed by cold water immersion. This causes a physiological response that can help to reduce inflammation, increase blood flow and reduce certain types of fat. Then mentally you get an incredible sense of achievement when you are able to battle yourself and actually sit in cold water.

NEWMARKET: What are the main physical health benefits that hot/cold therapy provides?

NINA: Submerging your body in a cold-water bath for short increments followed by the sauna causes you to alternate blood flow to your internal organs and extremities. This results in reduced swelling and inflammation, improved circulation, better sleep, and even weight loss and maintenance. Additionally, studies have shown that consistent use of ice bath therapy can have a positive impact on your nervous system, providing an overall sense of well-being.

NEWMARKET: What type of person would most benefit from your services?

NINA: Honestly, we have something for everyone. We are all professionals, parents and life-long students and to be our best we need our body to work for us and not against us. We’ve become so used to a general sense of discomfort and immobility that we’ve forgotten what a strong, healthy and capable body feels like. So, whenever people feel like their life isn’t aligning or feel like their bodies are holding them back, we’re here to help.

NEWMARKET: What are some self-care practises we can implement into our everyday routines?

NINA: There really are five main pillars of a healthy life, a great start is for people to really define how these fit into their life based on their circumstances. But broadly speaking Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Relationships, and Mental Agility. In my life I find having a set routine for sleep which is the same every morning and night really prioritises that precious reparative time without interruption. Then laying out time to spend with my family for quality interaction. I also find that changing the way we think about food is massively helpful. Instead of seeing food as simply fuel or simply enjoyment, every meal should be examined for its purpose in our lives.

NEWMARKET: What’s next on the cards for WYLD Chiropractic?

NINA: We’re really looking forward to growing our community and helping them reach their health goals. From a business perspective we are looking to expand further and reach new areas and people. So, watch this space!