WYLD Chiropractic Clinic

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7 Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut

The Gut Microbiome

We all know how complex and important our gut is to our overall Health. Numerous studies have been done demonstrating the links between gut health and mood, mental health, autoimmune disease, endocrine disorders, skin conditions, cancer and immune system.

‘Gut microbiome’ refers to the microorganisms living in your intestines. There are numerous amounts of different species of bacteria in our digestive tracts. Some are harmful, some are incredibly beneficial and even necessary to our overall health. Having a wide spectrum of these beneficial bacteria means your immune system can be enhanced, improved mood, help with digestion and numerous other benefits.

How Chiropractic Can Help

Chiropractors are well known as doctors for neck and back pain, but regular adjustments can benefit the body in many ways. Chiropractors treat the spine, which is essential to the function of the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS is responsible for every function in the body, including digestion. When it isn’t functioning optimally, the other systems don’t work as well either. So by improving the health of your CNS, you enable it to do its job along with enabling the other systems of the body to function optimally, too.

The first approach will be to return the spine to proper alignment. Everyday wear and tear causes the vertebrae of the spine to move a bit out of place or become misaligned. The use of spinal manipulations and other chiropractic treatments can put those vertebrae back in place. This allows the spine and central nervous system to work properly and improve the health and function of the rest of the body systems, like digestion! Book now for your initial consultation!

At WYLD Chiropractic, we also recommend supplements to support the body.
